Not sure what is required of you to keep your client data safe and remain compliant?
We do!
You just need to work your way through the list below.
1. Subscribe to BVigilant “Essentials” - a description of this subscription can be found here and you can complete the subscription signup form here
2. Provide us with access to your email provider - you need to invite us as an administrative user on your email account so we can install a security agent. Instructions are provided below. If you have any issues, don’t know who your email provider is, or its neither Microsoft or Google please let us know by emailing
These steps will need to be performed by a Microsoft 0365 admin:
Login as an admin at
Click on Users – Active Users
Click Add a User
Fill in the user details, We like to use the name Tech Support and the email tech@yourdomain
Tick the "generate password automatically" box
Tick the "send password on completion" and enter the email address
Click Next, Tick "Create user without product license (not recommended)."
Click Next
On the Roles page, Tick Admin Center Access, and tick "Global Administrator"
Click Next
Click Finish.
Once completed, send an email to to let us know. We will then get the phishing and Security Awareness Training modules of your security package enabled for you.
These steps will need to be performed by a G-suite admin:
Login as an admin at
Click Directory, Click Users, Click Add a new user
Set the user name to tech support, and the email to tech@yourdomain
Under the secondary email box enter
Click Add new user, Tick the box to send the password to an alternate email address.
Once the user is added, we need to be given administrative rights.
Back at Directory -> Users in the Google admin panel.
Click the user you just created for us, tech@
Scroll down on the right side to Admin Roles and Privileges, and click the arrow at the right of that section.
Click Super Admin, and toggle the on/off slider to ON (green).
Once completed, send an email to to let us know. We will then get the phishing and Security Awareness Training modules of your security package enabled for you.
3. Install security monitoring package on all company computers - an installer link for our security monitoring agent will be provided over email and needs to be distributed to all team members and installed on all company computers
4. Review password and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) controls - ensure all work/company computers are secured with a password and ensure all work/company accounts have MFA enforced. A password manager helps to keep things secure while removing the traditional barriers of team password management.
5. Complete hardware security review - all electronic equipment required for use in the company needs to be provided by the company, used for work only & all computers need to be encrypted. If you need help, we can procure hardware (fees apply).
6. Complete cybersecurity policy manuals - business and individual policy manual templates are provided to all subscribers (coming soon!)
7. Obtain (or review) cyber-Liability Insurance coverage
1. Review password and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) controls - ensure all work/company computers are secured with a password and ensure all work/company accounts have MFA enforced. A password manager helps to keep things secure while removing the traditional barriers of team password management.
2. Complete hardware security review - all electronic equipment required for use in the company needs to be provided by the company, used for work only & all computers need to be encrypted. If you need help, we can procure hardware (fees apply).
3. Review and update cybersecurity policy manuals - business and individual policy manual templates are provided to all subscribers (coming soon!)
4. Review cyber-Liability Insurance coverage
Still unsure where to start? Check out the Product features. OR take our Free Security assessment. Who knows you might already have everything you need.